Retail Audit Software for Faster Inspections & Audits

Retail audits are getting more challenging for store managers by the day. Traditional retail inspection methods often lead to slow submissions, lost paperwork, errors due to manual entry, and more.

Using ReachOut retail audit software, you can eliminate these pain points and improve your retail inspections and compliance audits.

Picture as a Proof!

Intelligent forms

Upload photos

Add notes and comment

Skip logic

ReachOut offers the right solution that infuses a whole new world of accuracy and enhanced possibilities into the retail inspection process. Moreover, digitizing all your retail inspection checklists can save time and effort.

Easier Communication with the Field Teams

Centralized data storage

Timely inspections

Real-time tracking

Anywhere, anytime access

Our retail audit software allows you to distribute inspections quickly. You can assign, manage and track each of your field associates with ReachOut. The field service associates can enter real-time information straight from the retail store through their smartphones, which eliminates effort duplication and errors, provides transparency, and the much-needed intelligence to your team.

Conduct Audits on Your Retail Audit App

Work offline & sync when online

Field companion app

Time & cost savings

Digital checklists

Our mobile app will give you alerts whenever a new retail inspection request is registered. Our retail audit software will let field associates complete their inspections without an internet connection. You can save your work and complete your inspections later. You can take pictures directly from the forms, mark up images with necessary notes or comments and include reference details in it to consult and compare against.

Happy Customers with Improved Turnaround Time

Optimized scheduling

Route optimization

Drag and drop scheduler

Instant notifications

Customers will appreciate your flexibility, responsiveness and quick turnaround times while you stay in complete control of your processes with our store audit software. Assign new customer requests based on availability, expertise and reduce the travel time of your field associates. Your associates will get an alert on their mobile app whenever a new retail inspection is assigned to them.

Get Customer Information Anytime, Anywhere

Centralized CRM

Custom branding

Eliminate paperwork

Improve accuracy

Using ReachOut, you can create new service requests, view all customer information, and track service history from anywhere. You are no longer tied to your office and you do not need complex excel sheets or paper forms to view customer information. Don’t miss out on any of your clients. We value your business.

Track Key Performance Metrics

Pipeline & Kanban views

Real-time tracking

Reduced turnaround time

Improved efficiency

With numerous associates out in the field, it is vital for you to stay in control with total visibility. Our software provides a clear visual interface complete with dashboards and Kanban views to give you clarity on each of your field associates and monitor their progress in real-time. Improve customer satisfaction and increase operational efficiency with our easy-to-use, accurate, robust and on-time data reports.

Features You Will Love

Field Service Management

Manage every aspect of your field service
business with ReachOut Suite. Attain freedom
from day-to-day operational hassles through
intelligent scheduling and automation.

Work Order Management

Improve your turnaround time and technicians’
productivity by managing your work orders
efficiently. Get end-to-end visibility into your
 field agents’ schedules.

Customers and Tickets

Reliable data at fingertips enhances your
 confidence while answering customer questions.
 Get a 360-degree view of your customers to
 deliver awesome customer service. 

Inspections and Audits

Customizable audit and inspection forms to
 manage field inspections at numerous work
 sites. Generate reports instantly when your
 business needs it.