Field workers can never survive without their backpack full of essential tools and gadgets. These tools might be used for working onsite or for documenting the work. Countless field workers in companies such as oil rigs, emergency medical technicians, mechanics, etc. are known to carry a horde of things that help them through their job. Few of the essential and best tools and gadgets that work for them are –

1) Documents and Report Journal

Any field work is incomplete without an onsite report. A must-have handbook is practically the most important aspect of any field job. Logging in the problem, the solution or possible suggestions are a part of the process. There also is a need for forms that are designed to collect customer information while visiting and confirmation of work is performed.

2) Camera

A camera comes in handy to further aid the documentation process by taking a visual of the site and the work performed. It also is a good way to send issues to other experts for consultation.

3) Geo-Locator

Mobile Geo Locator
Intricate fieldwork requires the understanding of the geographical location of the site that is offered by geo-locator. Such facility helps in deducing installations and even correcting the device’s functioning if they work on geolocation.
Field workers can even track the progress of the sites under them and receive statistical analysis with such a device.

4) Toolkit

No field worker will set out without a basic toolkit that supports their domain of work. Whether these are wire cutters, wire strippers, screwdrivers, wrenches, and more, it is extremely necessary to carry them to successfully complete the task at hand. These toolkits are provided by the companies, so there is always a need to check and audit them at regular intervals.

5) Field Manual

A handbook that lists how things work is a must-have tool for every field worker, especially the ones that are new to their job. It helps them through the tasks and guides them through redundant processes to improve the efficiency and save time.

6) Flashlight

An extra pair of light is always good especially while dealing with machinery or providing round the clock service on the field. A flashlight comes in handy when there is a need to illuminate some areas and focus on specific tasks.

7) Music Player

All tasks are easy when one can immerse themselves in it. The best ways to do so is by switching to your favorite music and get to work. A music player can accompany the field worker while performing the task and add a little entertainment during a dull period.

8) Mobile Phone and Hands-Free Connectivity

Hands free connectivity
Although in today’s day and age, everyone carries a mobile phone, a field worker must have it handy so that they can connect with their managers and experts for help or instructions. Also, having a hands-free connectivity lets them freely perform tasks while on the call. Bluetooth connectivity is a better upgrade since it doesn’t have wires that might get tangled and obstruct smooth functioning.
With the mobile revolution, work is getting organized better and efficiency is at an all-time high. Such a technological upgrade also works for field workers where they can have the entire above-said tools and gadgets handy. Our system is completely digitized with access to work orders, journals, camera to click pictures of the site, and customer forms at the fingertips. These are uploaded while you use them and a manager can see them in real-time. Accessing other options is also easier as the app controls feature-laden smartphones. Even toolkits that are to be accounted for can be simply logged and tracked via the app. Such effective field service organizer will not only make jobs easier but also more productive.

Digitize your field service operations from scheduling to invoicing with ReachOut. Connect your technicians with the companion mobile app to execute jobs and reduce paperwork in the field. Try ReachOut now and give your customers the fast and quality service they deserve.

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Sachin Krishna

Sachin works as a part of the digital marketing team at ReachOut Suite. He believes in a healthy and resourceful web and does his own little contributions for the purpose by creating and disseminating innovative and quality content.

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