Every 24 seconds, there’s a fire that requires the fire department’s attention in the United States alone! Now that’s a sobering number. This emphasizes the need for strict Fire Prevention and Safety measures, which are being embraced by many countries around the world. As they say, the safest way to deal with fire is to prevent it. This blog will talk about some of the measures taken towards fire and safety by providing a complete checklist for Fire Safety Inspection. We will also detail the tools that are making fire inspections easy and hassle-free while ensuring that all compliances are met.
Before we get on to the checklist, let’s take a few moments to understand why regular fire inspections are absolutely necessary. A report by The National Fire Protection Association said that there were 1,319,500 fires reported by fire departments in 2017. These fires resulted in an estimated 3,400 civilian deaths! All in one year.
The gravity of the situation isn’t lost on authorities as they tirelessly work towards fire prevention. Countries all over the world have safety measures in place to ensure that fire prevention becomes an indelible part of their citizen’s life. The Factory Inspection Legislation established as far back as 1875 in Massachusetts, is an example of the early efforts to ensure fire safety as well as other measures in the working environment. Section 19 of the Safety, Health, and Welfare at Work Act 2005 in Ireland stipulates that “every employer shall identify hazards, assess risks and have a written risk assessment, including any unusual or other risks.” The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) publishes more than 300 consensus codes and standards in connection with fire safety and other risks. In order to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy in many countries, residential and commercial buildings are required to comply with regular fire inspections.
All these measures worldwide underscore the need to carry out fire safety risk assessments and comply with the codes set by governments with regard to fire safety. Fire Inspection checklists, form an integral part of this compliance process.
Related Reading: Check out how ReachOut suite can enable effective fire prevention.
A fire code violation could lead to serious penalties and fines, including an arrest and prosecution. This makes it important to ensure that you dot all your I’s and cross your T’s on fire inspection compliances. What better way to do that than follow a checklist. We have grouped the items under these three requirements to make it easy.
Fire prevention and safety equipment are a vital factor in fire inspections. Fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire sprinkler systems all play a vital role in fire prevention. It is important therefore to ensure that all equipment is in working order and in compliance with fire safety codes.
This section ensures that there are no obstructions to people exiting the building in case of a fire emergency. This includes pathways, exits, aisles, and walkways.
This section ensures that adequate measures towards fire prevention in the facility. The Industrial sector reported a total property, loss of $152,047,338 in the period between 2013 and 2017 in the United States. A small slip up in compliance could have major repercussions on life and property in the workplace and home. Strictly adhering to compliance standards in the following areas can go a long way in ensuring fire prevention.
Field Service Software helps you keep on top of your fire safety requirements and pass your fire inspections successfully. Here are a few ways in which this is accomplished:
This is just scratching the surface when it comes to what a good field service software can accomplish in fire safety. Have a look at what Reachout Suite’s Fire Safety Management System can do for you and get in touch with us.
With over a decade of experience in the technology sector, Aarathy is passionate about improving field service efficiency through digital innovation. She is particularly interested in topics such as field service trends, service automation, and strategies for implementing digital transformation in service management.
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