Managing and Completing Jobs

Field agents can use the mobile app to view and manage jobs assigned to them. This way, they can gather job details, refer to actions needed for each step and complete their assignments on time. 

So, here we’ll cover step by step how to manage and execute jobs through the app. 

Accessing Jobs

There are two ways by which field agents can access their assigned jobs. As we’ve seen before, ReachOut’s app home screen features two large tiles.  

The one on top displays the user profile and directs to select modules like Jobs and Inventory. 

  1. Tapping on View My Jobs opens the Jobs module showing all assigned jobs. 

The other way is via My Jobs. 

  1. Tap on Today’s Jobs to view the assigned jobs. 
  1. Under My Jobs, find the job from the list and tap to open it. If the module fails to display newly assigned jobs, just tap refresh on the top right of the interface.

This will reveal further details specific to the job that should be reviewed in detail before proceeding to the next step, which is executing the tasks. 

Job Overview

In the job overview screen, the field agent can get details of the assigned job such as priority, date & time, description, and names of other agents tied to the job. 

  • You can access the Site, Assets, Attributes, and Attachments that are linked to the customer. Tap on each to see details. 

Under the Customer Detail, field agents can refer to customer details. 

  1. Tap on the customer’s name. Here, toggle between Attributes, Location Contact and History to view the attributes linked to that particular customer, contact details and information regarding any previous jobs. 
  1. To know the Primary Contact, select the downward arrow in the customer name tab. 
  1. Select the location pin on Location Name to view the location contact details. 

The exact location of the customer is pinned on the map. 

Starting the Job

To proceed with the job, tap on Download Job. 

If you’re already on the way to the customer location, select Mark En-route and confirm Yes to mark the status. 

  1. Tap Start Job to check in at the customer site. If you are the Primary Agent, you can view the agents assigned for the job and know their status. 
  1. Under Tasks, select the Task assigned to you and view its details. Toggle the Show All Tasks slider to show the tasks assigned to other agents as well. 
  1. Perform the necessary steps as per the instructions. Fill out any forms attached. Attach photos from the site, if needed. Use the timer icon at the top right to update status such as when taking a break. Once done, tap on Mark As Completed
  1. Now, proceed to complete all the checklists allocated as part of the job. If these selections are mandatory, the app will require that you complete the respective sections to be able to submit the work order. Open each checklist action item – Estimate, Form, Invoice, Follow-up jobs, Customer Signature, etc. and enter the required information. 

  1. Once finished, mark job status from the Update Status button on top and select End Job. 
  1. Tap Submit Job.

This will upload the job details to the cloud. Admin or supervisors will get immediately notified about the job status as completed, upon which they can initiate further actions like reviewing the raised invoices and changing payment status. 

You can verify the completed job by tapping on the suitcase icon on the top right of the interface. 

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